Sage Advice

THIS GORGEOUS MINIMAL- IST DRINK IS A MODERN CLASSIC. À la Luz is built on a strong foundation of tequila and sherry, brightened with celery, cardamom and sesame oil, an inspired addition that lends dimension. That was Boushel’s plan all along since she was hoping to make a warm and savoury martini while moving away from gin and vodka. “The flavour of the cocktail evolves, as the sesame oil disperses and coats your taste buds,” she says. “[It’s] just like stepping into a ray of light.”

Katherine Boushel



• 2 oz blanco tequila

• 1 oz fino sherry

• 2 dashes celery bitters (like Bittered Sling Cascade Celery)

• 1 dash cardamom tincture*


• 5 drops toasted sesame oil


Combine tequila, sherry, bitters and tincture in an ice-filled cocktail shaker. Stir for 45 seconds. Strain into chilled Nick and Nora glass and garnish with sesame oil.

*Use a mortar and pestle to crush 1 tbsp cardamom pods. Combine in a non-reactive container with 125 ml (1⁄2 cup) vodka and cover. Let steep for three days. Strain and bottle.


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