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Fight Fall Allergies with Food

Oct. 04 2016
fall allergy food

Did you know that you could fight fall allergies with food?

Anyone who suffers from fall allergies knows that while the cooler temperatures might be welcome, they come at a high price.

Fierce ragweed begins its onslaught on your sinuses in late August, releasing pollen as summer winds down, but for allergy sufferers, the month of October is when the real headaches come.

While reaching for a Reactine might provide temporary relief, there is some research that says you can eat your way to a less sickly allergy season. Foods high in vitamin C and vitamin A have allergy-fighting abilities, as do foods containing the natural antihistamine quercetin.

Gorgeous Greens

They’re good for you at any time of the year but making sure to get your servings in is even more important when dealing with allergies. Broccoli, packed with vitamin C, as a member of the crucifer family has been shown to alleviate sinus congestion. Another crucifer family powerhouse, kale delivers much-needed vitamin A. Studies have found people with lower vitamin A stores are more likely to suffer from allergies and breathing problems. And don’t forget the collard greens. They are teeming with carotenoids, and their main phytochemical content is shown to lessen allergy symptoms.

Stinky Saviours

Garlic and onions are delicious and chock-a-block full of allergy fighting quercetin. The flavanol performs a dual role, acting as an antihistamine and an inflammation fighter. For those averse to sporting vampire-slaying breath, supplements are an option.

Orange Ousters

Luckily for allergy sufferers, pumpkins and carrots, both incredibly high in carotenoids, are plentiful at this time of year.  We ‘re not talking spiced latte here –  just pumpkin au natural.  Try a beta-carotene saute with  carrots and pumpkin.  Or roast with a little olive oil for the perfect side dish with a mission.

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