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Honey and Vinegar

Jul. 02 2019

Honey and Vinegar

By Jason Bangerter

Executive Chef, Langdon Hall
Cambridge, Ont.

THIS IS QUICK, SUPER EASY, INCREDIBLY VERSATILE—and delicious. A quality vinegar, with its acidity softened, mixed with good liquid honey makes a great sauce for dressing cheese (like fresh burrata or ricotta, or hard cheeses) or foie gras (both pan-seared and hot or a chilled terrine). It’s also very good on grilled pork or roast duck—and you can glaze ham with it, or even drizzle it on vanilla ice cream. Add some mustard, chopped fresh herbs and olive oil and you can use it as a dressing for a salad or roasted root vegetables. — J.B.


  • Top-quality liquid honey
  • Raspberry* or apple* or sherry** vinegar
  • Salt


  • Fresh herbs, minced
  • Prepared mustard
  • Olive oil
  • Cracked black pepper

Transfer honey to a bowl. Whisk in an approximately equal amount of vinegar. Adjust acidity, sweetness and saltiness to taste. To turn into a dressing, add herbs and mustard to taste, whisk until homogenous, then slowly whisk in olive oil until volume is approximately tripled. Adjust balance, and add salt and pepper to taste.

* For cheese, foie gras, pork, duck, ham or ice cream
** For salad dressing or roasted root vegetables

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