The Perfect Gift for the Food Geek in your Life

In the introduction the Art & Science of Foodpairing, on page 8, there’s a call-out box: “Ingredients that share key aromas taste good together.” Drum roll…yeah? Forgive me for not being surprised — but then there’s Heston Blumenthal on the miraculous pairing of caviar and white chocolate. What? Who the eff is using white chocolate these days—and for the love of God, why? I kept reading. It got better, though Blumenthal never explains why he’s so into white chocolate.
This book is a resource for geeks, science wonks and anyone who wants to shake things up at home—and it’s quite glorious in its dive into deep science. If you’re hot for gas chromatography-mass spectrometry equipment, prepare to be agog. You like graphs, chemical schematics and cutaway illustrations of the olfactory bulb? This is your jam. And mind…I love this stuff. Will it make me cook better? Not sure. But I’ll give it a whirl. I can’t possibly summarize the complexity of this book here. But it’s fun, there are tons of colour illustrations—and on Christmas day I couldn’t imagine a better gift. For the food geek that you truly love… —DICK SNYDER