The Return of Krispy Kreme

Krispy Kreme is staging a Canadian comeback.
After their initial rollout failed 11 years ago, the iconic American doughnut chain has just opened a new location in Toronto. This time in Toronto’s cooler-than-cool Kensington Market, at the corner of Spadina and Nassau.
Can the 75-year-old brand successfully make a play to capture the Millenial market? Given the existing universe of decadent, over-the-top, bordering-on-the-ridiculous foods that are today’s social media catnip (carrot roses or molten cinnamon buns, anyone?), Krispy Kreme offerings like Cherry Pie and Strawberry Shortcake looks like success may be ensured this time around.
So celebrate National Donut Day, and enjoy this little bit of trivia while you knock one back: National Donut Day began in 1938, and was started by the Chicago Salvation Army to honor women, known back then as “doughnut lassies” for serving soldiers during World War I and World War II.
Visit any Krispy Kreme location on June 3rd and receive a free donut.
It’s practically your duty.