Back Deck Oysters

Back Deck Oysters
by Michael Smith
Chef/owner, The Inn At Bay Fortune
Fortune, P.E.I.
A PILE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND OYSTERS is a party just waiting to happen. To get the ball rolling skip elaborate toppings and keep it simple. True oyster lovers favour toppings that highlight the briny sweetness of our worldclass oysters instead of overwrought flavours that mask and camouflage them. And nothing beats this quick and easy three-citrus presentation! — M.S.
Serves 4 to 6
- A dozen or two top-quality P.E.I. oysters
- 1 orange
- 1 lemon
- 1 lime
- Sriracha (or your favourite hot sauce)
METHODShuck the oysters, saving the top shells. Arrange the empty shells on a festive presentation surface, using them as a base and nestling the full shells on top. Evenly zest the orange, lemon and lime over the oysters. Halve each citrus fruit crosswise, and squeeze each half over the oysters, drenching them with juice. Finish each oyster with a drop of hot sauce. Slurp, chew and swallow.
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“ Have some fun presenting your oysters. By saving the top shells to support the full base shell, you can transform any surface into a suitable platter. Shingles, tiles, boards, stones—you’re only limited by your imagination. ”