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Your Guide to 2017 Food Trends

Oct. 13 2016
2017 food trends

You are looking at two of the food trends coming your way in 2017.

Food trends come and go, so you can take this list of 2017 food trends from the Sterling-Rice Group with a grain of salt.   Some of these burgeoning movements are more appealing than others – cake for breakfast anyone? –  while others shine a light on the eco-friendly and health-conscious path. Whether you can get on board with goat replacing your chicken dinner is up to you, but for those interested in what 2017 may hold for your palate, read on:

Let Us Eat Cake
Studies linking dark chocolate with increased cognitive function are encouraging some consumers to eschew their yoghurt spoons for cake forks in the morning.

Eating for Energies
Rising interests in eastern practices are seeing people adopt the trend of eating towards their dosha. A belief in Ayurvedic medicine and eating towards the dosha includes anti-inflammatories and other foods good for the body’s constitution.

Plant-Based Butchers
Exploring your meat-free options has never been so easy. Vegan “meats” and vegetables of all kinds are being subbed in to create alternatives to traditionally meat-based meals.

Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose
Food waste might be a thing of the past if this trend takes off. Items that would usually find their way to the garbage bin (fruit rinds, vegetable stems, etc.) are getting new life breathed into them and coming out as stocks, pickles and anything else eco-conscious consumers and companies can comprehend.

Sardines for Supper
Canned fish is getting a makeover thanks to modern designs and new flavours. Usually thought of as an old person’s meal, canned sardines are being recognised for their health benefits and delightfully retro appeal.

Noodles and a Show
Hand-pulled noodles have been big in Chinese restaurants for ages now but the trend should be making the mainstream jump soon. Displaying technique and craftsmanship, hand-pulled noodles are a way to show diners what goes into their meals.

Mocktail Makeovers
Designated drivers are getting in on the mixology fun with drinks that have all the flair and design of a cocktail while staying shy of DUI.

Goat the G.O.A.T
Your favourite petting zoo animal might be your new favourite dish. Goat, high in protein but low in fat, is set to make its way onto mainstream North American plates any day now. Also high in collagen, health foodies looking to up their intake are sure to take notice.

Make a Meal, Make a Friend
New movements and apps are making connections through foods. EatWith sets up hungry strangers to make a meal together, while fleet-farming brings gardeners together to share their yields and their profits.

Meals via Migration
Refugees are finding new homes and bringing the flavours of their homeland with them. More authentic foods will be finding their way to North America, promising to outshine the standard kebab.


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