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Dining Trends Take to the Sky

Nov. 07 2016

Nowadays dining trends aren’t all focused on the food.

In today’s competitive restaurant landscape, is delicious food on a perfectly composed plate enough to pull in diners?  Or do jaded designers want spectacle?

Dinner In The Sky aims to provide both  This Belgian-based company starts with the luxury of fine dining and then takes it to another level. Using cranes, Dinner In The Sky hoists you and your fellow diners up hundreds of feet to enjoy a fantastic, one-of-a-kind dining experience.

While other extreme dining scenarios rely on a fixed location, with Dinner In The Sky the theatrics come to you. The company operates in over 45 countries, allowing prospective diners to plan their events to suit their schedules, making sure the main event is the only aspect that involves partygoers leaving solid ground.

The company also offers their services for non-culinary based affairs. They’ve been known to host brands, special events and even weddings, all up above the clouds. It’s a unique idea for your next dinner party – just make sure your guest list doesn’t include any acrophobic friends.


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