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Jun. 26 2016

Did you know that Canada wastes roughly $31 billion worth of food from farm to consumer every year?  Flashfood is a new app that might help turn that around.

It’s hard not to be infuriated by the shocking stats about food waste – and it’s happening around the world. Flashfood would like to turn this situation around by allowing users to purchase high-quality food that’s close to expiration (and somewhat less-than-photogenic) at discounted prices before the food is discarded by restaurants or grocers. The app is free, and 75% of the sale will go towards the retailer and 25% to Flashfood. Sign up is free for businesses, with the company providing  vendors with iPads so they can easily take photos of the food for sale.

How does it work on the consumer end? You view the flashsale through your phone, purchase the food you want and pick up your  food –  same day.  Although the company is still working out the logistics of where customers will pick up, the end result might be happy consumers with smaller grocery bills and needy food banks with easy access to food that would have wound up in a landfill.

This is one trend we hope isn’t a flash in the pan.

Flashfood is set to launch this August. To register for more info, click here.

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