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Noma Mexico Sneak Peek

May. 09 2017
NOMA mexico

Chef René Redzepi’s Noma Mexico pop-up has been called “the meal of the decade.”

Our Editor-in-Chief Jacob Richler experienced undeniable culinary genius and the meal of a lifetime at Noma Mexico. Here’s a look at the first three magical courses.

“Piñuela and tamarind”

A bromelia fruit – peeled, dressed with tamarind, and set on a backdrop of its lush green leaves.

“Melon clam from the Sea of Cortez”

Belly and mantle of a melon clam – sweet,  salty and firm, sliced up and rearranged in a setup much prettier than that with which nature originally provided it. The tiny, wild sour orange is for squeezing over top – and then eating, whole.

“Salbute with dried tomatoes and chapulines”

A fried and puffed, mini tortilla, topped with oven-dried tomato, and meticulously arranged grasshopper segments.


Stay tuned for Richler’s review of NOMA Mexico.

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